About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Monday 8 November 2010

Mad Mum

I'm back! Can't believe how long it is since I wrote a blog. Been dead busy and a bit ill this week so the blogging juices weren't flowing!

Things are starting to happen with the house. A radiator has been moved and a room stripped! We're knocking through the living room and dining room, getting a new floor in both of those rooms and the hall, decorating, sorting out a dodgy bricked-up fire place, replacing some lighting. Meant to be in there in two weeks time. Hmmm!

We've said we'll put Little M straight in his new room on his own when we move in but now I'm feeling a bit nervous about it. But he'll be nearly 6 months by then and he can only stay with us for so long I guess. Can't have him next to our bed 'til he's 18 now can I?..........Can I?

The little guy is doing well. He's brilliant at reaching out and grabbing stuff now. He's really developed that skill over the past week or so. He managed to wack himself in the head with one of his toys yesterday and let out an accusatory scream. Don't think he could quite compute that he had done that do himself! He was a bit miffed but seemed not to know where to direct his miffedness.

Aaargh the most annoying thing about this week was the fall out from the clocks going back. He was out of sync all week and kept waking up at 6. Managed to keep him in bed until 7.30 today so hopefully he's back on track. Damn you Greenwich Mean Time! Fireworks didn't bother him one bit but GMT...(shakes fist).

Yeah and I was ill. But not normal ill...hormone ill. Eeesh! Starting to get migraines since having the babs. Never had them before. Big M had to take the day off work on Friday because I'd visited my mum on Thursday night and couldn't leave as the migraine started while I was there. He had to look after me and Little M on Friday. Defo need to get that sorted. Seems like it happens to a lot of people after they have a baby...they don't tell you that bit eh?!

Oh and because I was ill on Friday I forgot that I'd booked my first driving lesson in ages and my poor driving instructor turned up to find me in my dressing gown looking like a crazy woman.

He didn't even look surprised.

He's seen the lot now. He started teaching me when I was a few months prego. He's seen me have to stop on the side of Menlove Avenue and do a little dance because I grew massive swollen cankle legs during my lesson, I've cried on him, got in the wrong car at the start of the lesson, got in the wrong side of the car, performed a multitude of minor offences and in the space of about 30 lessons still not really learned my way home. He probably thinks I'm deranged. He's got kids though so at least he's sympathetic of the lunacy.

God I've got loads to talk about. Gonna ditch this now and pick it up again tomorrow as the wooky is calling. Oh except I will say that my friend Joe has started a blog and has written a good one on green christmas ideas. 6 weeks to go folks! Take a look. Laters x

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