About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Ball pits, jabs, new homes, baby competitions and pumpkins

Litle M and I went to Baby Club with JMc and Little C on Wednesday afternoon. Little C is 11 months old so I think JMc was worried she might maraud around the playmats attacking the innocent babies. They did look like sitting ducks all lying there on there backs unable to escape! She was a very very good girl though. We played in the ball pit while JMc entertained Litle M. Basically, Little C battered me for an hour in the ball pool. She's hilarious, gorgeous and off her head! I was exhausted after an hour so I'm going to need a kick up the bum when Little M gets to that stage.

Took Little M to get his 3rd set of jabs on Thursday morning. He was having a lovely little time before we got there. He likes getting on the bus and he loves the doctors waiting room because of the lights on the ceiling. He's also obsessed with the bunting that is strewn across the room. 'Bunting' sounds pretty but the flags actual say 'Flu Kills'. That doesn't seem to bother him. Then we go inside and the health visitors make a big fuss of him and as usual he thinks a little mini party has been thrown in his honour. Poor love. Then he got wacked in his chubby thighs with 3 needles :(

First one he sort of just whimpered. Second one he gave a proper squawk. Third one he screamed his head off like 'Is this my life now? Getting stabbed in the leg by sharp things at my own party?!'.

Before that he got weighed and measured. If you lined up 100 babies of his age there would only be 2 with a bigger head than him (God bless those 2 mums!). And only 2 that would be taller than him or heavier than him. At least he's in proportion eh?

The big news on Friday was...WE GOT THE HOUSE!!! I picked up the keys in the afternoon, strolled over there to have my first moment in the house with Little M...and I couldn't work the front door key so had to get my mum to come and help me ha! Then Big M finished work and we spent a few hours in the house getting excited/terrified about getting some work done downstairs. Luckily my bro and cousin have a building firm and will be sorting it for us otherwise I'd probably have a meltdown.

Anyway, now I can allow myself to buy this wall sticker from Spin that I've been dying to get for Little M's room.

I also entered him for the Next Baby competition yesterday, Couldn't resist. If you fancy voting for him I'd be very grateful! Vote here.

He's in his pumpkin suit already. Going to take him on a couple of visits today to get my £3.50's worth out of it!

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