About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Monday 4 April 2011

Little M's political phase

Little M has had a big week. He’s been a busy guy. He’s developed his own signature crawl. It’s a cross between a belly flop and the worm. He expends a lot of energy in this endeavour but he seems to think he’s really on to something.

He’s still got no teeth like. He’s become partial to pulling a series of faces in homage to the late Les Dawson for which it is quite useful to have no teeth. I think he’s just decided to sack off growing them now.

I think he’d also want you to know that he is no longer sporting a Bobby Charlton style comb over and now rocks a resplendent head of blonde hair. He’s wisely sprouted a lovely pair of eyebrows to match.

He did all this in time for his first protest as he thought there may be press around. As I was in work, he took his Daddy down to Calderstones School to join a group of staff and parents in a demonstration to raise the profile of a campaign against the proposed closure of Church and Mossley Childrens’ Centre. The plan was to present a letter from the Parents’ Forum to Minister for Education Michael Gove (who was actually substituted by Schools Minister Nick Gibb on the day) which pointed out the need for and benefits of this Children’s Centre and to request the ring fence on funding to be re-introduced.

Parents & toddlers stage Bob the Builder protest against Sure Start closure - Local News - News - Videos & Pics - Liverpool Echo

He is a very politically aware 9 month old. He thinks its pretty ridiculous that an over-subscribed, brand new, purpose built centre (which is even newer than he is!) should be under the threat of closure.

I mean, he didn’t actually have to say this, but I can tell he’s outraged by the fact that if we take out the money allocated to Liverpool’s schools, Government Ministers have decided to cut the money for children and families by 35 per cent. In the city with the greatest needs this is a reduction of one third of the budget for children and families.

I reckon he’s fuming. It's probably what all the Les Dawson face-pulling is about.

Through the Children’s Centre we’ve accessed safety equipment for our home, First Aid training tailored to parents of babies and young children, family passes for Lifestyles gyms, baby massage classes, baby club and more. But most importantly, we’ve had a place to go to, to get out of the house, meet other new mums (and new babies!) and to share the experience of life as a new little family. In those first few months it is nice to know that ‘you’re not the only one’.

Saturday 8 January 2011

A month in the life of Little M

What a difference a month makes. Since I last wrote a blog post Little M can sit up, roll over, bomb around in his walker and he's on 3 solid meals a day. He also sleeps through the night! Joy of joys!

After 5 whole months of sleep deprivation, Big M decided he was just going to be strong and not stick a bottle in his mouth when he woke up in the night and after a couple of nights Little M slept through. It was a miracle. We were like new people. Energised, with a spring in our step.

Then Little M got a cold.

I shudder when I think of it now. One night he woke up every half an hour SCREAMING. And he was like a different baby in the day too. Really clingy and whingey. Wouldn't let me put him down. In the haze of it all I thought the cold had changed his personality and he was going to be like that forever. It lasted two whole weeks. Every time he sneezes I get a flashback.

Yeah and he started sitting up on his own about a month ago too. I actually think he could have done it a bit earlier but I just stuck him on his back or his front all the time. One day in baby club I sat him up and he just sort of stayed sitting up for about 10 minutes. He's so chilled he probably would have stayed on his back forever if we hadn't sat him up. Now he's in his big boy pram which meant shelling out for a 'Flavour Pack' for the iCandy. I chose 'Grape', which is clearly purple but Big M still says 'It's pink' every time he looks at it.

The rolling over thing started maybe the week before Christmas. He's still really funny with it. Rolls over and then looks at you like 'ta da!'. Then he doesn't know what to do with himself. He's trying to crawl but I don't think he'll be able to drag his mammoth weight around any time soon.

He got this walker for Christmas and absolutely loves it. He bombs around in it for hours and got the hang of it really quickly. I have to make sure we have the gate shut in the living room because he's worked out how to get out of the door sideways.

Speaking of the gates, if you are pregnant or have a baby you can get your house assessed by the fire service for child safety and they fit door gates, fire guards, smoke alarms, etc for free. They give you socket protectors, non-slip bath mats, corner covers, etc too. I filled in a form at my local Children's Centre and they came round later that week. The man told me to let people know because the funding for it is ending in March and they have lots of gear to give out so sign up now!

I think the whole weaning situation could probably do with its own blog so I'll save that for another time but I'll leave you with a clip my friend posted on Facebook. It reveals the ultimate secret to getting your kid to behave. Sorted.

Friday 26 November 2010

Finding yourself in a woodland scene

I know I haven't written a blog for weeks and I intend to put together a proper catch-up post soon but I just had to find time to capture our Baby Sensory experience.

Little M and I headed down to SARA Hall in Aigburth for week 2 of the 6 week course (missed the first week because of the move) and I had been thinking to myself 'can I be a**ed going all the way down there from Prescot?' (where we are camping out in my parents' house).

Got in to the chilly hall and it all looked pretty standard, mats and toys laid out on the floor like Baby Club, recognised a few mums from Pregnancy Yoga and Rhyme Time.

Thought I knew what I was getting myself into. But no. It's off its head.

Don't get me wrong, it was absolutely brilliant. All the babies loved it and Little M got really engaged in it. After the initial shock I had a real laugh and left feeling like Little M and I had enjoyed a special hour together. Mel, the tutor is amazing.

However, it did feel like I was having an out-of-body experience. I think it's because when you become a mum are expected to check all your inhibitions at the door and do things that you would never have dreamed of doing before. Like within 5 minutes of entering a room talk to a puppet in front of 15 strangers. There is also lots of group singing which is pretty alien in a baby-free world. There is something very liberating about having no shame and just having fun with your baby. There is zero requirement to be cool and just throwing yourself into the uncynical world of your baby is good for the soul.

I was going to talk about how I thought I was tripping when Mel threw on some bombastic Mozart and started creating a woodland scene but now I've gone a bit serious.

Some people have warned me against 'losing myself' now that I've had a baby and I see what they mean. I am a very different person to who I was before. However, rather than feeling like I've lost myself I feel like I've found the real me. I've been able to shed all the unimportant inhibiting baggage that I carried before and I'm enjoying seeing the world through the eyes of my little son.  And if that means I quite enjoy talking to puppets then that's all-to-the-good.

I've found a clip about baby sensory, which doesn't convey just how nuts it is (no woodland scenes) but if you know me you can imagine me doing it and have a chuckle!

Monday 8 November 2010

Mad Mum

I'm back! Can't believe how long it is since I wrote a blog. Been dead busy and a bit ill this week so the blogging juices weren't flowing!

Things are starting to happen with the house. A radiator has been moved and a room stripped! We're knocking through the living room and dining room, getting a new floor in both of those rooms and the hall, decorating, sorting out a dodgy bricked-up fire place, replacing some lighting. Meant to be in there in two weeks time. Hmmm!

We've said we'll put Little M straight in his new room on his own when we move in but now I'm feeling a bit nervous about it. But he'll be nearly 6 months by then and he can only stay with us for so long I guess. Can't have him next to our bed 'til he's 18 now can I?..........Can I?

The little guy is doing well. He's brilliant at reaching out and grabbing stuff now. He's really developed that skill over the past week or so. He managed to wack himself in the head with one of his toys yesterday and let out an accusatory scream. Don't think he could quite compute that he had done that do himself! He was a bit miffed but seemed not to know where to direct his miffedness.

Aaargh the most annoying thing about this week was the fall out from the clocks going back. He was out of sync all week and kept waking up at 6. Managed to keep him in bed until 7.30 today so hopefully he's back on track. Damn you Greenwich Mean Time! Fireworks didn't bother him one bit but GMT...(shakes fist).

Yeah and I was ill. But not normal ill...hormone ill. Eeesh! Starting to get migraines since having the babs. Never had them before. Big M had to take the day off work on Friday because I'd visited my mum on Thursday night and couldn't leave as the migraine started while I was there. He had to look after me and Little M on Friday. Defo need to get that sorted. Seems like it happens to a lot of people after they have a baby...they don't tell you that bit eh?!

Oh and because I was ill on Friday I forgot that I'd booked my first driving lesson in ages and my poor driving instructor turned up to find me in my dressing gown looking like a crazy woman.

He didn't even look surprised.

He's seen the lot now. He started teaching me when I was a few months prego. He's seen me have to stop on the side of Menlove Avenue and do a little dance because I grew massive swollen cankle legs during my lesson, I've cried on him, got in the wrong car at the start of the lesson, got in the wrong side of the car, performed a multitude of minor offences and in the space of about 30 lessons still not really learned my way home. He probably thinks I'm deranged. He's got kids though so at least he's sympathetic of the lunacy.

God I've got loads to talk about. Gonna ditch this now and pick it up again tomorrow as the wooky is calling. Oh except I will say that my friend Joe has started a blog and has written a good one on green christmas ideas. 6 weeks to go folks! Take a look. Laters x

Sunday 31 October 2010

Ball pits, jabs, new homes, baby competitions and pumpkins

Litle M and I went to Baby Club with JMc and Little C on Wednesday afternoon. Little C is 11 months old so I think JMc was worried she might maraud around the playmats attacking the innocent babies. They did look like sitting ducks all lying there on there backs unable to escape! She was a very very good girl though. We played in the ball pit while JMc entertained Litle M. Basically, Little C battered me for an hour in the ball pool. She's hilarious, gorgeous and off her head! I was exhausted after an hour so I'm going to need a kick up the bum when Little M gets to that stage.

Took Little M to get his 3rd set of jabs on Thursday morning. He was having a lovely little time before we got there. He likes getting on the bus and he loves the doctors waiting room because of the lights on the ceiling. He's also obsessed with the bunting that is strewn across the room. 'Bunting' sounds pretty but the flags actual say 'Flu Kills'. That doesn't seem to bother him. Then we go inside and the health visitors make a big fuss of him and as usual he thinks a little mini party has been thrown in his honour. Poor love. Then he got wacked in his chubby thighs with 3 needles :(

First one he sort of just whimpered. Second one he gave a proper squawk. Third one he screamed his head off like 'Is this my life now? Getting stabbed in the leg by sharp things at my own party?!'.

Before that he got weighed and measured. If you lined up 100 babies of his age there would only be 2 with a bigger head than him (God bless those 2 mums!). And only 2 that would be taller than him or heavier than him. At least he's in proportion eh?

The big news on Friday was...WE GOT THE HOUSE!!! I picked up the keys in the afternoon, strolled over there to have my first moment in the house with Little M...and I couldn't work the front door key so had to get my mum to come and help me ha! Then Big M finished work and we spent a few hours in the house getting excited/terrified about getting some work done downstairs. Luckily my bro and cousin have a building firm and will be sorting it for us otherwise I'd probably have a meltdown.

Anyway, now I can allow myself to buy this wall sticker from Spin that I've been dying to get for Little M's room.

I also entered him for the Next Baby competition yesterday, Couldn't resist. If you fancy voting for him I'd be very grateful! Vote here.

He's in his pumpkin suit already. Going to take him on a couple of visits today to get my £3.50's worth out of it!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Baby Massage - Good Times, The Royal - Bad Times

Baby Massage was brilliant yesterday. It was at Church & Mossley Children's Centre (Dovedale School) and Little M and I loved it. Well, I loved it and I'm taking the fact that Little M didn't cry until I put his coat on as a thumbs up from him.

It's a 5 week course but I joined yesterday (week 2) as they called me after the first one to say they could fit me in. I missed the first 10 mins as Little M decided to his fill his nappy as I was leaving the door.

Those are my excuses for not having read the 'you must only talk to your own baby' rule in the handbook. I spotted it half way through after I'd been chatting away to the two babies next to us and cracking jokes to the room about not being able to fit my hands around Little M's thigh. Woops!

Nevertheless it was extremely enjoyable as I got lots of lovely contact with Little M and he got to hmmm, well, stare at everyone else (his favourite activity...staring at stuff).

I wasn't sure about 'asking the baby's permission to massage his leg'.
I took the look he gave me as '(a)What is a massage? and (b) what is a leg?'. I appreciate the sentiment though. Looking forward to going back next week.

Later that afternoon I had to go to St Paul's Eye Hospital for an appointment and foolishly took Little M with me. Didn't realise they were going to give me eyedrops to numb my eye and then some to artificially dilate my pupils for 6 hours! Everything was blurred and I looked like I was on acid. Had to get Big M to come to the rescue. I guess now I'm a mum I'll have to learn to read letters rather than skimming to the date of the appointment and ignoring the rest. Didn't particularly enjoy looking like I was high in charge of my baby!

Plus, on my way in a lady who looked like she had a bit of a penchant for class A's lunged towards the baby shreaking 'Aaaaaaaaaah look at the babyyyyy! What's tha' called (pokes his leg and wakes him up)...is tha' one o' dem snowsuits?'

As much as I appreciate the place, Little M will not be escorting me to the Royal again.

Monday 25 October 2010

Baby Chewbacca

Ooh, no blog since Thursday. Bad Scouse Mama.
Now I've left myself in the position of having loads of things to talk about but not remembering any of them. Baby Brain is definitely a true phenomenon. I can't remember anything, at all, ever.

We definitely visited Little D on Friday but the rest of that day is a blur. So, I'll talk about something I do remember doing and that was giving Little D a nice gift. The Love Me, Hug Me, Superlambanana is the soft toy version and is really cute. I try to find an excuse to get them for most little ones I come across. In fact, Little M is the only one who hasn't got one! Sorry Little M!

I always get mine from Voglio on Allerton Road which is a great shop selling contemporary design-led gifts. I could spend a lot of money in there if I had it! Amongst other things like Allessi kitchenware they sell some absolutely gorgeous cup cakes and tiered cakes made from baby grows and bibs, which would make a great gift for a new baby. They're handmade locally and would work well as a centre-piece for a baby-shower too. I haven't bought one yet but I'll keep them filed in my memory banks for the future. Funny how the 'things I want to buy' section of my memory banks is the only one that doesn't seem to be affected by Baby Brain. I think Big M wishes it was.

Not much Little M news except he's taken to singing to himself quite a lot. If he's not doing that he's taken to mooing like Chewbacca if he has any complaint to make. He doesn't cry much. He prefers to moo.

A bit of blog related info, I've added a few affiliate schemes to the blog so if you are buying anything from John Lewis, Amazon, Kiddie Kingdom or Strawberry Fool please do it from the links on my site and Scouse Mama gets a bit of commission. Hooray!

The Wooky is mooing so I better attend to him. Maybe he's discovered he hasn't got a Superlambanana?