About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Baby Massage - Good Times, The Royal - Bad Times

Baby Massage was brilliant yesterday. It was at Church & Mossley Children's Centre (Dovedale School) and Little M and I loved it. Well, I loved it and I'm taking the fact that Little M didn't cry until I put his coat on as a thumbs up from him.

It's a 5 week course but I joined yesterday (week 2) as they called me after the first one to say they could fit me in. I missed the first 10 mins as Little M decided to his fill his nappy as I was leaving the door.

Those are my excuses for not having read the 'you must only talk to your own baby' rule in the handbook. I spotted it half way through after I'd been chatting away to the two babies next to us and cracking jokes to the room about not being able to fit my hands around Little M's thigh. Woops!

Nevertheless it was extremely enjoyable as I got lots of lovely contact with Little M and he got to hmmm, well, stare at everyone else (his favourite activity...staring at stuff).

I wasn't sure about 'asking the baby's permission to massage his leg'.
I took the look he gave me as '(a)What is a massage? and (b) what is a leg?'. I appreciate the sentiment though. Looking forward to going back next week.

Later that afternoon I had to go to St Paul's Eye Hospital for an appointment and foolishly took Little M with me. Didn't realise they were going to give me eyedrops to numb my eye and then some to artificially dilate my pupils for 6 hours! Everything was blurred and I looked like I was on acid. Had to get Big M to come to the rescue. I guess now I'm a mum I'll have to learn to read letters rather than skimming to the date of the appointment and ignoring the rest. Didn't particularly enjoy looking like I was high in charge of my baby!

Plus, on my way in a lady who looked like she had a bit of a penchant for class A's lunged towards the baby shreaking 'Aaaaaaaaaah look at the babyyyyy! What's tha' called (pokes his leg and wakes him up)...is tha' one o' dem snowsuits?'

As much as I appreciate the place, Little M will not be escorting me to the Royal again.

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