About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Monday 25 October 2010

Baby Chewbacca

Ooh, no blog since Thursday. Bad Scouse Mama.
Now I've left myself in the position of having loads of things to talk about but not remembering any of them. Baby Brain is definitely a true phenomenon. I can't remember anything, at all, ever.

We definitely visited Little D on Friday but the rest of that day is a blur. So, I'll talk about something I do remember doing and that was giving Little D a nice gift. The Love Me, Hug Me, Superlambanana is the soft toy version and is really cute. I try to find an excuse to get them for most little ones I come across. In fact, Little M is the only one who hasn't got one! Sorry Little M!

I always get mine from Voglio on Allerton Road which is a great shop selling contemporary design-led gifts. I could spend a lot of money in there if I had it! Amongst other things like Allessi kitchenware they sell some absolutely gorgeous cup cakes and tiered cakes made from baby grows and bibs, which would make a great gift for a new baby. They're handmade locally and would work well as a centre-piece for a baby-shower too. I haven't bought one yet but I'll keep them filed in my memory banks for the future. Funny how the 'things I want to buy' section of my memory banks is the only one that doesn't seem to be affected by Baby Brain. I think Big M wishes it was.

Not much Little M news except he's taken to singing to himself quite a lot. If he's not doing that he's taken to mooing like Chewbacca if he has any complaint to make. He doesn't cry much. He prefers to moo.

A bit of blog related info, I've added a few affiliate schemes to the blog so if you are buying anything from John Lewis, Amazon, Kiddie Kingdom or Strawberry Fool please do it from the links on my site and Scouse Mama gets a bit of commission. Hooray!

The Wooky is mooing so I better attend to him. Maybe he's discovered he hasn't got a Superlambanana?

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