About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Mum Tourettes

Had a lovely and busy weekend. Saturday took Little M to Calderstones Park with VW and her nephew via the new house. I couldn't get my head around the fact that there was a SOLD sign up. I properly don't get this whole home buying business. I sort of went into a panic that we had somehow managed to complete the sale by accident but then I saw the little 'Subject to Contract' bit underneath. Thank God for our Mortgage Advisor, Gary Brash at J B & B Leach. Oh and Yee his Assistant who helps us get our head around it all.

D met us at the park where we saw the biggest dog in the world, a St. Bernard called Snoopy. I know that dog's name because since I've become a Mother I feel compelled to speak to strangers. It's like Mum tourettes. Instead of shouting expletives I just insist on engaging strangers in conversation 'Oi what's your dog's name?'. I don't care what that dog is called...those people don't want to talk to me...why must I ask?

A couple of weeks ago in Caldies I met 2 lovely blokes picking Crab Apples in the Park. Met/harrassed...same thing. 'Oi what you picking?'. This ended in me taking about 30 Crab Apples away with me bless 'em.

Then I took Little M to meet some of the girlies for lunch at The Bubble Room in Woolton Village. Haven't been there since it was The Baby Elephant. It was very nice and Little E who is just 5 weeks old was there too. She's a beauty and looks so dainty next to Little M. She had the most gorgeous Mamas and Papas pink blanket with little rabbits on. Little M had a snuggle under it and someone may have taken a photo of him looking a bit girly.

Got back and Big M was heading out to meet some of his mates for a drink so Little M and I tagged along and went to Allerton Rose which used to be Crichtons. Little M and I are regulars in there. All that kid does is hang out in bars and restaurants!

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