About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Come on little Chilean miner...wiggle your way out!

So I couldn't bring myself to write a blog yesterday because I was literally on tenterhooks all day. Well, not literally. I have no idea what a tenterhook is or whether I was really on them. Answers on a postcard!

Anyway, I'm still on flippin tenterhooks but I'm going to use blog writing as a distraction. I woke up yesterday to a couple of texts telling me that my brother's fiance (Aunty C), had gone into labour at about 1.30am. She's still going bless her! Fingers and toes crossed my little neice or nephew appears in the next few hours so I can sneak in for visiting hours! Can't wait for Little M to have a little cousin.

After I got the news I was watching BBC Breakfast and getting all emotional over the Chilean miners. They kept playing Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros as they got winched to the surface and it was all a bit poetic. But now all the flippin miners are out and she's still huffin' and puffin'!

I was so excited that I stayed out the flat ALL DAY. Must have walked the length and breadth of L18 about 5 times over. My travels included a trip to Home & Bargain where I picked up matching Halloween costumes for both the babas! I'd been looking for something cheap for Little M as he'll only wear it once and I wasn't going to pay £15 for one from Mothercare so I was pleased to find some cheapo options. Can't remember exactly how much they were...maybe £3.95? Something like that. They're ugly as sin but will do for comedy value.

Also went to Weight Watchers to discover I'd lost...wait for it...5 whole pounds in one week. Is right! Would have been happy to have lost 1 pound since my Nana sent us an apple pie over and I tried to resist it's warm appley-pieness but I ended up it about 1/4 of it with my hands. Shameful.

Oh and we went to Baby Club at Church and Mossley Children's Centre. Under normal circumstances that would have taken up most of my blog but I'll talk about that next week.

In the evening Nana C kindly babysat while Big M and I went to see Antony and Cleopatra at the Playhouse. It was great. Mainly because those thoughtful bods at the Everyman & Playhouse had put a Synopsis in the programme. I wouldn't have had a scooby doo what was going on otherwise. Another shameful admission, particularly as I've got an English degree. I must have been off the week we did Antony & Cleopatra ha!

Oooh and all that shouting. Kim Cattrall and Jeffery Kissoon must need a couple of strepsils at the end of evening. She, of course, is gorgeous. I saw her at the Bluecoat with one of the E&P's directors about 18 months ago and was so star struck that I just sat there and stared at her and went red. I well should have gone and spoken to her. But I always try and play it cool when I see anyone remotely famous. Like when I was in a lift with Harry Hill. Or when Joe Cole and Carly Zucker were admiring Little M in John Lewis. Or when I just sort of muttered 'Hi' to Yoko Ono. Man I'm a div.

1 comment:

  1. I'm calling social services over those outfits... that constitutes child cruelty.
