About Me

L18, Merseyside, United Kingdom
LOTS of people have babies. I've seen them. They're everywhere. And now I am one of those people who has had a baby. A particularly large, particularly gorgeous, one of the male variety. I'll be calling him Little M. I live with him and his lovely daddy, Big M.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Stinking colds and a Bumbo

Poor Little M and I have stinking colds so we've been stuck in the house for a couple of days. No Rhyme Time this morning so we don't pass on the germs but even worse...no visting Little D until we're better :(

Little M is snuffling about like a little piglet. I'm like 'learn to blow your nose child' and he's like 'I'm 4 months old mum' so Big M (who very kindly took half a day off work to look after us yesterday) bought him this nasal aspirator thing from Tesco. It's rubbish. Luckily Little M thinks it's dead funny when he sneezes so he's fine.

He's sitting in his Bumbo. It's a clever contraption. It uses the babies own body weight to help them sit upright once they can hold their own head up. Our one has this little play tray thing so that he can bash his toys about on it too. I think the first few times we used it he was working hard to keep his balance because of that mahoosive head of his. He really seems to have the measure of it now though. Ever since he was a couple of weeks old he has wanted to sit forward so it's good to have something to help him do it himself now. He is very happy in it. But then, this is the same child who can be entertained by the tree outside our window for HOURS. So it takes quite a lot to dampen his spirits. In fact, he's talking to the tree right now bless 'im. 

In other Little M news it looks like he's trying to roll over. Oh dear, looks like the days of putting him down in one place and him not being able to escape are nearly over!

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